Tel: 01332 676433
Contact lenses can be of great benefit to any current glasses wearer and are recommended by our Opticians. Here are just some of the reasons to consider wearing contact lenses:
Cosmetic – A great highlight of wearing contact lenses is quite simply that you will not have to have a pair of glasses on your face.
Sports – Contact lenses can be a great solution to improve sight whilst playing any kind of sport.
Unrestricted vision – contact lenses, despite any myths, provides complete unrestricted vision. When wearing contact lenses you have the ability to see as you would freely, the same as you would if you did not wear a pair of glasses.
Comfort – One of the features of contact lenses is the fact that most people find them very comfortable. We teach you how to handle and clean the lenses and also review this at each aftercare to help you achieve optimum comfort.
Convenience – One of the most beneficial things about wearing contact lenses is the sheer convenience of their use.
Alternative to glasses – Contact lenses offer a good part-time alternative to wearing glasses.

We offer all patients who haven’t tried contact lenses before a free suitability appointment.
After this you will be charged just £5 per appointment for the remainder of your contact lens trial (until your optimum specifications have been determined by the Optometrist). Most trials would probably require 4 or 5 visits.
Oakwood Eyecare provide you with free disposable lenses (and free solution if it’s required) for the duration of your trial. You also get free access to Optometrist support if you need help any time, and this access continues for as long as you remain one of our contact lens patients.
You can then choose whether or not you’d like to order lenses and which lenses you’d prefer from those we have recommended for you.

Soft Daily Disposable Lenses
Soft contact lenses, also referred as disposable contact lenses, are an economical solution for part-time wearers as well as those who want a convenient, no-fuss daily contacts as there are no solutions or cleaning required.
Soft Monthly/Fortnightly Lenses
Certain soft contact lens models can be worn overnight but the vast majority do require cleaning and storing on a nightly basis. Ideal for those who want a better value option to daily disposables.

Multifocal Lenses
These contacts are used to correct distance and near vision simultaneously. Disposable or monthly/fortnightly lenses are available which will determine the need for solutions and care.
Toric Lenses
Also used to correct astigmatisms, toric contact lenses are specially designed to fit the shape of the eye. Disposable or monthly/fortnightly lens options are available which will determine the need for solutions and care.

Gas Permeable Lenses
A type of hard contact lens used to shape the eyeball to correct astigmatisms or very high prescriptions, gas permeable lenses offer certain users more comfort than soft alternatives.
Ortho K Lenses
imagine lenses by night and clear vision by day. Ortho K are custom-made lenses worn only at night to gently reshape the front of the eye using its tear layer.

We consider contact lens aftercare to be of the utmost importance.
When attending for an aftercare we ask you to arrive having had your lenses in for at least 1 to 2 hours ideally. The contact lenses are assessed to determine if they are still suitable for you as we check both the type of lens you wear and also see if there are subtle prescription changes.
If both you and the optometrist are happy with the lenses then you can continue with them, order more or join a scheme if you wish. If there may be alternative lenses that could be better for you, we regularly offer our patients free trials of these so you can compare. Our aim is to give you as many happy and healthy years of wearing lenses as possible.
We offer aftercare appointments where you pay as you attend or you can choose to join one of our monthly plans to spread the cost.


All of our contact lenses are cost price, we frequently review our prices against our competitors and we believe we are cheaper than the multiple opticians, especially on the Acuvue branded contact lenses.
Other advantages of getting your lenses from us are that:
We guarantee the lenses against any manufacturing faults
We provide replacements for any ripped or damaged*
We will swap unopened boxes if your prescription changes, if less than 2 months old
We provide emergency lenses*
*1 pair of monthly or 5 pairs of daily every 6 months.
Here at Oakwood Eyecare we offer a range of plans to help our patients get the most out of our products and services.
Our plans allow you to save money by spreading your costs over monthly instalments.
We offer an contact lens plan that includes aftercare, lenses and solutions.
Click on the image below to find out more and build your own personalised eyecare plan.